Beethoven (Famous Children)
Beethoven is a collection of moments from Beethoven's life. This book primarily focuses on experiences from his childhood and growing up years. It mentions how Beethoven was a musical genius from age 7, and he continued music lessons his whole life. He eventually learned to compose music by himself, even when he became deaf! He was the next Mozart, and even took lessons from this older musician.
Rachlin, Ann, and Susan Hellard. Beethoven. Callis, 1993.
This book would not work well with lower elementary students. There are lots of dates and years, and difficult names to pronounce. I honestly don't think this book is good for any elementary students, because it is an odd collection of memories and events from Beethoven's life. This book is hard to follow, and contains some details that are not necessary to know or remember. I think this book would only be good for a music class where students are learning about different famous musicians.
As part of the "Famous Children Series," this delightful story recounts episodes from the childhood of Beethoven. The story of a children from a poor family in Bonn, and how his musical gifts helped him overcome his disadvantages. Lively, full-color illustrations on each page capture the spirit of his times.
“Beethoven by Ann Rachlin.” Goodreads, Goodreads, 1 July 1994.
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